Protecting the planet starts with us.

Saturday, 15 February is World Pangolin Day! We’ll be teaming up with Pangolin Africa to do our part to save one of the most threatened wildlife species on the earth!

So what are Pangolins?

Pangolins, are ant- and termite-eating mammals protected by unique, thorny overlapping scales and roll themselves into a ball when threatened. These creatures have been around for an estimated 40 million years; having seamlessly adapted to its environment. There are eight types of Pangolins, four of which are in Asia and Africa respectively.

5 interesting facts about Pangolins:

  • It’s tongue is longer than its body
  • It looks like a crocodile but it’s actually a mammal
  • It curls up into a ball when its threatened
  • It swings from trees using its tail
  • It’s known to run 5km per hour (no pressure Will)

We’re raising awareness around these mammals by sending in our very own  fasterfast, Will, who will run 5km in support of these creatures. Because we want to practice conservation in action and because we don’t back down from a challenge (hey Toby). Challenging Will to a race, that’s gutsy, but challenged accepted!


The challenge: 

We totally accept! Check us out!


Watch this video on these incredible mammals and get talking about them on social media using the hashtag #running4pangolins. Let’s start the conversation and action conservation! Keen to join? Hurry, there’s still time to register.

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