What’s wrong with my Wifi extender’s signal?

This is a pretty common question we receive on the support floor here at Webafrica.

You’ve got a big space, so you bought a Wifi extender, but now, your device is struggling to connect even when you’re standing next to the flippen’ thing.

The answer is your device’s connection settings. For the most part, your phone, laptop, TV (whatever) will connect to the last known device it was connected to. So, even though the extender is there, it won’t connect via that signal. This may sound crazy when your extender’s signal is so much stronger than the router’s own signal – but as long as there is a hint of that better “known” network around, your device is going to try and connect to it.

How do you fix the Wifi extender signal?

You don’t fix it, exactly. Because, usually, there is nothing wrong with the extender. What you need to do is make sure your device connects to the correct signal.

There are some high-priced handover systems you can purchase, and some android apps you can try – but it’s not actually necessary. All you need to do is open your device’s Wifi settings and select the signal via which you want to connect.

To make this task simpler, make sure you give your router Wifi and extender Wifi different names! That way you will always know which connection you’re using.

Eventually your device should recognize the extender as a “best known” signal and connect to it automatically. You can also set the default connection on most devices, so just make sure you set your Airties Extender signal as your default connection.

What if I want the fastest possible signal all over my house?

If chopping and changing between Wifi signals seems like way too much trouble, and you need a seamless Wifi experience where ever you are in your home, you can buy an Airties 4920 Wifi extenderThis is a wireless mesh solution which increases your Wifi coverage significantly. It’s compatible with various device types, too, so you can pair it up with any of your Webafrica services.

Then all you have to do is take note of the above – make sure your Airties Extender has it’s own name, and make sure you set this signal as the default signal on your devices.

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