So, the festive season is over and you’re suddenly remembering that your December salary was supposed to last all the way to the end of January. I know, shocker, right? Instead of letting the January drought get you down, why not take this opportunity to change the way you manage your money – for good?!

It’s easier than you think.

There is a whole range of free resources at your disposal to help you spend less, budget better and reach your savings goals faster.
Whether you prefer desktop-based apps or mobile apps, these are the best digital tools to help you take control of your finances today.

Financial Toolbelt

This website is packed with calculators for just about everything you can possibly want to spend money on (and some things that you don’t). Financial Toolbelt is a desktop based app that offers individual calculators to help you save money, pay off your debts and figure out where you waste the most money.
They also host a highly informative blog which offers advice on how to achieve different financial goals without being too boring or using complicated terms and confusing jargon.

Track my Subs

This web-based tool is geared toward small business owners and private users with a lot of subscriptions to manage. The idea is that TrackMySubs will help you keep all of those “invisible” payments where you can see them, make sure you don’t miss any of them, and help you to cut out the subscriptions you don’t really need or use any more.


The honeyfi mobile app is a great financial planning tool for couples who are just starting out. The app syncs up with your partner’s app and allows you to tag transactions as “yours”, “mine”, or “ours”. The app comes complete with budgeting tools which will help you save time and money, and achieve your shared budgeting goals.


Mint is a web-based app which you can use on your PC, or you can download the mobile app for Android or Apple. It’s a multi-faceted finance tool that will help you to track your spending, stay on top of your savings and make good financial choices.


Wallet is the current “Editors choice” for Google apps. Wallet is a simple-to-use finance tracker and budget planner that lives on your phone and is optimized for mobile use. You can choose to connect your wallet app with your bank and financial institutions to make finance tracking easier than ever.


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