Are you wondering “What is a FOTS team”? Don’t worry, it’s not like a SWOT team or a Volleyball team.
FOTS stands for “Feet on the street” and it’s the name we have affectionately given the teams of Webafricans whom you see knocking on doors and handing out flyers at the traffic lights.
Some days they hand out treats, ice-cream, chocolates and lucky-draw prizes, so it’s always worthwhile saying “Hello” when you see them!
The great news is that if you see the Webafrica FOTS team in your neighborhood it can mean only one thing – YOUR ‘HOOD IS FIBRE LIVE!
They also have details about deals and specials that are specific to the Fibre area you see them in – so you could find yourself with a great deal just because you took the time to say “Hi”.
Please ask them for more information about the provider and speeds available in your area, or anything else you may want to know about the Fibre offering in your street. You don’t have to sign up just because you talk to them, although you will probably want to. They are just there to answer your questions and help to get you connected to a sales agent who can sign you up when you DO want Fibre.
So when you see the FOTS team be sure and go over to say “Hi”. You might just end up with a nice surprise.