There are mixed feelings online about YouTube and kids. While some argue that kids are being allowed too much time to watch YouTube videos, others argue that (as with most things) it all comes down to boundaries and parental involvement. Many feel that as long as the time spent is limited and parents are particular about what children are and are not allowed to watch, YouTube can be a valuable resource for kids and parents alike.

The most important thing is to ensure that your parental controls are set-up to prevent children from being exposed to any un-desirable content.

As with ALL and ANY online material, please keep an eye on the kids. Guide them to find things that interest them, and steer them in the right direction. Here is a handy  YouTube “How To” video on setting Parental controls for your kids:

Now that that’s out of the way – here are our current Top Rated YouTube channels (as rated by real kids)

Unspeakable Gaming

Unspeakable Gaming started out as a Minecraft game-play series, but now includes Nathan (the host) doing all kinds of weird and wonderful stuff to entertain the kids. All kid friendly, but perhaps keep an eye on them if you have a mischievous one in the house as they may get some prank ideas here.

Cartooning 4 Kids

Cartooning for Kids is a channel dedicated to teaching kids how to draw their favorite characters and cartoons. Even if you’re not artistically inclined, this is a great way to learn some basics.


For the big-thinkers in the house. TED ED is a TED channel dedicated to sharing ideas that kids are interested in. You may be surprised by just how much your little ones are ready to learn and think. Geared more towards slightly older kids, the TED ED channel will give them plenty to think about.


If you need something for a little guy and you just don’t know what, why not check out Wizz? This channel brought us the genius that is “Big Cook, Little Cook” and so many more of your CeeBeeBee’s Favourites.


This one is for the little guys. If your tot loves to sing along with the brightly colored, smiling characters on TV, then this HooplaKidz is for them.

The Muppets

The Muppets are a timeless classic. Our older siblings watched them in the late 70’s. We watched them back in the 80’s and 90’s, and we’re still watching them now. If you loved Kermit, this is how you can share him, along with Miss Piggy and the gang, with the next generation.

Story BOTS

The Story Bots are mildly ridiculous and very funny. Your kids will be coming back for more.

Nerdy Nummies

This is a fun and brightly colored cooking channel  for families (especially those with tweens) who like to bake and are looking for inspiration, recipes and fun things to do together.

National Geographic Kids

Just because your kids are bundled up inside on a cold winter day doesn’t mean they can’t still be learning to love the planet and all of its wonders. National Geographic Kids is loaded with so much more than just animal videos, though, and even the most skeptical kids should find something fun here.

All Satisfying

This is an odd one, but we know a few kids who just can’t stop watching these all satisfying videos. In fact, we know a few parents who can’t stop either…

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